Rather than using crash diet after crash diet, the American Heart Association recommends adopting healthy eating habits forever. This will result in helping to lose unwanted pounds in a better way instead of through quick, fad weight loss plans. Some of the notorious fad diets, such as the Cabbage Soup Diet, can and will do damage to your health, cause physical distress (flatulence (gas) and abdominal discomfort) and guide your body on the path of the yo-yo effect of weight gain right after losing it. It's just not worth the risks.
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Usually, way too much emphasis is put on one type of food or one particular food with quick weight loss diets. Eating a balanced diet which includes a variety of food is the first rule of good nutrition and quick weight loss diets violate that rule. You may develop nutritional deficiencies if you manage to stay on a diet of this type for more than a few weeks-simply due to the fact that no one food has every single nutrient needed by human beings for good health. A prime example of this the Cabbage Soup Diet. This soup, which claims to be fat-burning, is eaten mainly with vegetables and fruits. In the seven days before surgery, it supposedly helps heart patients lose ten to seventeen pounds. Were the weight loss claims valid, all the harm done because of the lack of the essential nutrients would outweigh by far the benefits of losing weight. No magic pills, magic beans, magic foods or even magic cabbages when it comes down to good nutrition and weight loss. For this reason, you should always eat moderate amounts from all of the food groups, instead of just a cabbage and water.
Another important rule of good nutrition is broken by these crazy quick weight loss diets-and that is simply that eating should be enjoyable, and not a chore. Boring, monotonous diets make it nearly impossible to stay on them for long. Seriously-can you imagine eating nothing but cabbage soup for much more than just a few days? Or even a week? By the third day you'd be anxious to go to your meal, and by the fifth day-well, you'd never want to ever think about soup, or cabbage again. If you even made it to the seventh day, you might keel over of a cardiac event before you had real food again.
Fad diets don't make good diets in many other ways. Lots of them don't encourage physical activity, such as walking or jogging for even 30 minutes a day most everyday. While physical activity weight loss stay off, physical inactivity is a huge risk factor for stroke and heart disease. Should you ever hear the phrase "no need for exercise," either run on a treadmill, or run for the hills. Quick weight loss sounds great, and it is possible. Just don't go for the gimmicks that might hurt your health in the long run. Be sure to use good nutrition to ensure that your weight loss is done healthily.
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