How is it expected for people to lose weight when the weight loss world is just as confused as its readers? There are way too many conflicting opinions and viewpoints for a person to dig through to know what they should follow and what to disregard.
Weight loss plans need to be very individualized for them to work. That's why you hear so many different suggestions; it's not meant for you to try them all. I know in desperate attempts, trying more things seems to be the better choice but unfortunately that is not so.
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Before you join the other 98% of people who fail with their weight loss plans, look over the important reason why the system is far from fail-proof. If you can overcome this one obstacle, you'll be far ahead of everyone else and much more likely to succeed at your weight loss goals.
People fail with their weight loss plans because they think of it as something temporary.
Think about it.
There's an even coming up and you want to look good for it. What do you say to yourself? "I need to lose weight for [fill in the blank]."
You try some drastic program to shock your body and lose a few pounds. Problem is, what you lose from most of those plans is either water weight or muscle mass, 2 things that can highly deceive the scale and your perception that this "diet" is working.
Then one of 2 things happen; the event comes and you go to it with whatever weight you're at or you hit a plateau. Now obviously once the event is over, you no longer have a reason to lose weight so you "get off" your weight loss plan.
If you hit the plateau before the event comes or before you think you should be "done", you think the plan is not working and you're destined to be fat. Well, you're wrong about being fat forever but let's see why this kind of plan is not working.
What happens when you level out is that you're body catches on to what you're doing to it, only it thinks it's natural. It receives signals that say, "Hey, we're not getting anymore food. We need to conserve energy so we can stay alive!" Your body's systems don't know what your conscious brain is thinking. It doesn't know that the lack of food is forced and intentional so it goes into starvation mode.
Now a whole slew of things can happen in this phase including muscle loss, feelings of deprivation leading to overeating and cravings, fatigue, and overall lack of energy.
The lack of energy can make you not want to exercise or cook healthy meals. You'll opt for the quickest meal because you'll be so tired and hungry. Then, because your body feels like it hasn't eaten in so long, you will eat quicker and your brain won't have the chance to tell you that your stomach is full until you've overeaten.
So now you've overeaten on some very unhealthy "fast" foods and are too tired to exercise to burn calories and body fat. Food deprivation and fatigue will lead to muscle loss which is the worst part of it all.
Because at least with muscle, your body can use the calories you ate to fuel your muscles and burn body fat. But without muscle, everything you eat turns to fat much quicker. So when you get off your diet, have no muscle, and decide to eat anything you want, you gain all your weight back PLUS some! So you end up heavier, with more fat, than you were when you started the weight loss plan.
Now you see why dieting is so ineffective. You need to make a lifestyle change to eat better permanently. Do not deprive yourself of healthy carbs, fats, and proteins. Your body needs all three to function efficiently.
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