Nowadays more and more teenagers are finding ways to quick weight loss. Since they are very in need to look and feel confident in themselves, some of them will decide to choose a quick weight loss approach that is very unhealthy, such as vomitting out their food and even not eating regular meals. As a parent, it is very important to make sure that your teens do not practice such quick weight loss plans. So here are some tips that you can follow to prevent that from happening.
1. Ensure that your teen has Breakfast
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A good nutritious breakfast will help jump start their day AND their metabolism, and will provide them with the energy they need to face the day ahead. You may also find that it stops them from eating too much during the rest of the day as well. And with better metabolism, your teens will experience a quicker weight loss.
2. If your teen snacks, teach them to snack wisely
Substitute the snacks such as crackers and chocolates with fruits. They may even like to take some sliced red, orange or yellow peppers, a few cherry tomatoes or baby carrots instead. Cutting down on unhealthy snacks is very important for your teens quick weight loss.
3. Watch the Size of the Portions of food that they have each meal
When eating fast food, it is highly advisable that you tell your teens to stop eating when they feel full. You may find that just one slice of pizza, or half the pasta on the plate is enough to make them feel full. Their metabolism can also be increase if they eat less portion but more meals. Thus, resulting in quick weight loss.
4. Chew more
The first stage of digestion cycle starts from chewing the food. Be sure to remind them to chew more before swallowing, it will break the food into smaller pieces and helps the digestion cycle to continue smoother. Weigh loss is very dependable in making the food you eat burn as soon as possible. Also, chewing more can make one feel full faster, which can also help in reducing the food intake.
It is advisable that you do not allow your teen to fast or drastically reduce their calorie intake. Not only that this way of weight loss plan can psychologically be stressful to them, but it may adversely affect their growth, and what a teen sees as "normal eating". So making sure that the weight loss plan they have, has a balanced diet, with moderate restrictions on the amount of calories.
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