Famous icons or stars are making use of them rapid weight loss programs including Beyonce Knowles who made the so-called "master cleanse" diet of water, lemon juice, maple syrup and cayenne pepper, which is, by the way, a starvation diet program. Because such diet programs makes us drop one dress size a day, we tend to follow them big time. We have this goal in mind to look like the next super model with the diet we do, thus, the need for rapid weight loss programs. Many rapid weight loss programs have been devised since the late 1950s and these are mostly the so-called starvation diets where the follower does not take in a lot of food and beverages compared to those who are not in this kind of program.
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Starvation diets are known to make people lose as much as one pound a day but it does have its dangers. We have to be extremely cautions when we employ this diet program on ourselves. Habitually starving ourselves may lead us to develop the eating disorder, anorexia nervosa.
Next to starvation diets are herbal supplements and diet pills. These drugs have different effects on the body. Before we take in some of them, we have to check with out doctors first if they are safe to take in.
Because they have different effects on the body, they may also have diverse effects on it and that is why we have to be extremely cautious when planning to include them in our chosen rapid weight loss program.
Diet pills and herbal supplements are a hit over-the-counter because of their claims, however, not many people are informed of the effects they can have on the human body. Tests on these products aren't established yet, therefore caution is necessary.
VLCDs, or Very Low-Calorie Diets, are the next best rapid weight loss program after starvation diets and herbal supplements and diet pills. Many processed and unprocessed, all-natural food today are high with calories. Calories basically are our source of energy and excess on it may cause the build-up of fats in the human body.
This type of weight loss diet utilizes the idea that excess calories can cause the build-up of fats in the body in a way that the user of this technique cuts down on the high calorie foods and beverages. VLCDs are actually expensive because they are medically supervised diets. One has to shed a lot of money to be able to avail of this weight loss program.
Finally, there are other products such as creams, devices and even magic voodoo rituals and spells for weight loss available on the market which may seem utterly ridiculous. The question is: do they work? Perhaps its best we save our money instead of paying for something as ridiculously based on superstitions things like these.
Now we go to the final question: are these developed rapid weight loss programs highly effective? Most of them have limited or no scientific findings to back them, the only scientifically proven method that helps in the rapid loss of weight is the VCLD.
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